On 21 June at 6 p.m. the 38th International Hanseatic Day Rostock was opened in the Rostock Baroque Hall by the foreman of the Hanse Jan Lindenau, the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Manuela Schwesig and the Lord Mayor of the Hanseatic and University City Rostock Roland Methling in the presence of 250...
Saber Strike 2018, a major US-led multinational exercise, wrapped up in Poland on Friday (15 June 2018), with a live-fire demonstration involving Polish F-16s and MI-24 attack helicopters. The exercise, which began on 3 June, mobilised around 18,000 troops from 19 NATO Allies and partners. It provided an opportunity...
As NATO forces trained across the Baltic states and Poland in exercise Saber Strike 2018, Lithuania hosted arms control inspectors from Russia and Belarus. From 11-14 June, five inspectors visited various units of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. They also met with Croatian troops participating in exercise Saber Strike,...
by Lisa Altenberger, Nordic Investment Bank “Nobody is very keen on being in hospital; most patients are happy to go home as soon as possible. Our goal is not only to improve the efficiency and speed of treatment, but also people’s experience with it”, says Wendy Dropp, Project Developer at Hälsostaden, before the...
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas says that listing Port of Tallinn on the stock market was a unanimous decision of the coalition that reflects the wish to offer people more options for investing, and to increase the efficiency and transparency of state enterprises. Jüri Ratas, along with Valdo Kalm, CEO of...
By Marta Czarnecka-Gallas, Let’s Communicate! On 4-5th June Tallinn was the capital of Baltic Sea Region cooperation. In these days almost 800 people met to celebrate 9th Annual Forum of European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and to discuss its future after 2020. These are just some inspiring thoughts...
The Danish Maritime Authority widens the international work on digitalization and e-navigation and enters into a cooperation agreement with South Korea, Sweden, Australia and China. Up until today, Denmark has had cooperation agreements (MoU) on e-navigation with South Korea and Sweden, but in order to strengthen...
Starting on 9 June 2018, TT-Line will offer a combined freight and passenger service on the new connection between Trelleborg and the Lithuanian port city of Klaipėda. This connection is operated once a week and offers holidaymakers and the cargo service a direct and comfortable passage into the Baltic States. The...
Maintenance of offshore wind turbines costs a small fortune in both inspections and repairs as well as in downtime when the turbine blades are not producing power. So representatives from both Vestas and Ørsted applauded when they recently attended a PhD defense by Jesper Liniger of Aalborg University Esbjerg. Jesper...
Overfishing is a problem in the Baltic Sea. One-half cut in quota for eastern Baltic cod proposed. Western Baltic cod under safe biological limits and illegal discarding of undersize fish doubled. Western spring spawning herring catch should be zero. Up to 100% of undersized plaice being discarded Responding to...