
Politics: Government forming in Latvia: Last week the conservative Janis Bordans was the first candidate for the post of head of government to fail in an attempt to form a coalition government of several parties to the right of the centre.Almost two months after the parliamentary elections in Latvia Aldis Gobzems of...

Politics: Sweden still has no government: even a few weeks after the elections Sweden still has no government. Stefan Lövfen, the old head of government, will remain in office until the government is determined. Critics are now talking about government chaos and fraud against voters. The country hasn’t seen such a...

Politics: Protest against judicial reform: Polish judges go into the resistance. In Poland, 27 judges have to go to the Supreme Court, including President Gersdorf. But she and her colleagues take up the fight with the government.  , Lithuania urges EU to pressure Belarus over nuclear...


Politik: Überarbeitung des Ostsee-Aktionsplans: Der Ostsee-Aktionsplan soll bis spätestens 2021 überarbeitet werden, damit die Ostsee wieder in einen guten Zustand kommt. Auf diesen Fahrplan verständigten sich die Umweltministerinnen und Umweltminister der Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten auf der Konferenz des Helsinki...

Politics: Green light for NorthStream 2: The Stralsund Mining Authority, which is responsible for approval in Germany’s coastal waters, gave the green light for the construction and operation of the 55 km pipeline in the German coastal sea. According to a spokesman for Nord Stream 2, preparatory measures such as...