the press release of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads as follows: “This is a historic agreement on the maritime boundary that the two countries reached earlier this fall, as announced in the Joint Press Release of 1 November 2018.
The Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anders Samuelsen: “I am very pleased with today’s historic signing of the treaty on maritime delimitation between Poland and Denmark. We have now closed the negotiations that were started more than 40 years ago and taken the first step in formalizing the agreement. This is great news indeed and shows our common commitment to solve difficult issues through negotiations.”
The Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jacek Czaputowicz: “Today’s signing ceremony marks an important day in our bilateral relations. It signifies that with commitment, mutual trust and respect it is possible to successfully end even longstanding disputes. I strongly believe that both countries will conclude as soon as possible their internal procedures necessary for the Agreement to enter into force.“
The treaty will be subject to respective internal procedures in both countries necessary to bring the Agreement into force.
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