In recent years, the EU coastal states have made more backwards than forwards progress in the sustainable use of the seas. They have missed out on sustainable development, especially in fisheries. This is the result of a recent study by Wilfried Rickels, a researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and...
Over recent weeks, 44 exchange students from 17 different countries have been immersing themselves in Danish language and culture at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and in Odense. “Why are you studying Danish?” This question, asked in a slightly surprised tone, is one encountered many times by the...
Baltic Science Network Welfare State Expert Group has concluded its work with public presentation of the main findings and suggestions for future multilateral research initiatives focused on the Baltic Sea Region. On 28 September 2018, during a breakfast briefing launching the report “Ageing Workforce, Social...
Today, the three Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have jointly agreed to develop an experimental 5G cross-border corridor that will allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on European motorways. The ‘Via Baltica – North’ agreement will extend the pan-European network of 5G corridors, which was initiated...
The recently updated HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report is now publicly available, providing a complete insight about the ecological state of the Baltic Sea and the pressures affecting it. Overall, despite improvements, the sea is not yet in a good state, with eutrophication causing the major stress. Approved by...
The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) published the estimated size of the wolf population in Finland in March 2018. Next the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will take a close look at all the relevant data and use this to prepare a new Decree of the Ministry for the hunting year 2018–2019. The process to...
On Friday 21 September, the President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed issues relating to international crisis management. Finland will continue its active participation in international crisis management in line with the priorities set out in the Government Report...
The EU-funded CWPharma project has started to study active pharmaceutical ingredients in six river basins in order to get a better picture of the input pathways, emissions and environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea region. “We have already collected samples from six river basins and several...
Climate change impacts the Arctic regions more strongly than the other parts of the globe, and changes may also be so rapid that we fail to perceive them until they have happened. This is why in the Arctic the capacity to prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change is at least equally important as the...
Today, the Auvere Power Plant of Enefit Energiatootmine, a subsidiary of Eesti Energia, was opened in Ida-Viru County. The power plant, producing electricity from oil shale and renewable resources, is capable of covering more than a quarter of Estonia’s electricity consumption. According to Prime Minister Jüri Ratas,...